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Top 5 Beauty Tips

1. Smooth and silky hair

Naturally I have thick and curly hair, but I often straighten it (perhaps too often!). This can make my ends very dry. However, when I use OGX Renewing Argan Oil of Morocco it leaves my hair feeling soft and smooth. Usually what I do is rub a small amount through my hair before washing it. Make sure you do so before wetting it in the shower. Then I wash my hair like normal with my usual shampoo and conditioner. Once that's done, I let my hair dry naturally to allow my curls to come in. My hair looks a lot more healthier and my ends are nourished.

2. Thicker and longer looking eyelashes

Just apply Vaseline petroleum jelly to a clean mascara brush and brush it through your lashes as you would when applying mascara. Make sure you are starting from the root to get the best results. If you stick to this routine on a daily basis your eyelashes will start to look longer and thicker. You will especially see the difference when you're wearing mascara. Who said you needed false eyelashes?

3. Bright and alert eyes

At the moment I am loving The Body Shop's Vitamin C Eye Reviver Duo for tired and dull eyes. It comes with a refreshing gel rollerball to apply on the outer area of your eyes on top and a radiance cream wand to apply underneath. Just be careful that the substance does not get in your eyes because you will cry. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating but it stings! With my sleeping pattern I find this really helpful as it really uplifts my face. When I have a faint darkness around my eyes it doesn't make any sense using make up because it's still no use. After using the reviver you can apply your make up like usual. I would recommend using this day and night.

4. Hair strengthening

This is going to sound disgusting but it really does work! For stronger hair, using egg yolk and whites as a conditioner can provide your hair with all the protein it needs to grow. First thing to do is to crack an egg and place the yolk and whites into a bowl. Then, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the egg and mix them together thoroughly. Wash your hair as usual with shampoo then rinse it out and remove excess water, but do not dry completely. Then, rub egg conditioner through your hair thoroughly, paying attention to your ends. Once that's done, leave it to set in a shower cap for 10-20 mins. When the time is up just wash it out with cool water (you don't want a cooked egg on your head) and use your regular conditioner as normal. This literally works wonders, my hair felt healthier and started to grow faster.

5. Tackling spots

Toothpaste is your go to! My boyfriend actually recommended this to me funny enough, hence why his skin always radiant. Its not fair he hardly ever gets spots! Anyways apply toothpaste to your spot and leave it on for 1-2 hours or overnight. I usually leave it on overnight for better results. Do this everyday for a week until the spots have worn off. When removing the toothpaste, cool water to rinse it off and pat dry with a towel. Make sure the toothpaste is not gel-based or has artificial colours. Your best option is to use a natural toothpaste.

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