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Self-Care Habits for a Healthy Mind & Body

Now is the perfect time to wind down and focus on making yourself look and feel good. It's times like these where you need to maintain a daily routine so make sure to prioritise self-care. Self-care is not just about having a skincare routine but it's about making time for yourself for self-growth. Learn to love yourself. At the end of the day 'you' only have yourself for the rest of your life so you have to truly accept who you are. That's where you will find your inner-peace.

Here's a few ideas to stay connected with yourself:

  • Daily Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations before you start each day for example: I am strong and independent, nothing can stop me. This will make you feel more optimistic about life and you will actually start to believe these affirmations.

  • Meditate: This a nice way to just switch off, forget about everything around you or whatever is on your mind. This time alone allows you to release your stress, fight feelings of anxiety or depression and connect with your inner self. People meditate for different reason so there's all kinds of mediation that you resort to such as mindfulness mediation or visualisation meditation. Download the Headspace app and see how you feel.

  • Don't worry about things out of your control: Nothing is more frustrating than stressing over things you cannot change. Use your energy on doing things that make a difference and has positive impact on your life. Eliminate all the negative energy and focus on the positives. If that means you have to cut people off then do so, unhealthy relationships will only make you unhappy.

  • Create a schedule: Use a planner or write a list of things you want to get done each week. It helps to keep track of your progress in whatever area in your life that concerns you, for example it could be fitness journey or an interest you want to turn into a career.

  • Reduce your use of social media: Whenever you can try to reduce your use of social media as sometimes it can affect your mental health. In the midst of global health crisis, there's a lot of fake news going around so we need be wary of the information we consume. Social media can also heighten our insecurities when we observe the lives of others.

  • Listen to music: Music is so important as it has a way of changing your mood and gives you some time to relax and reflect. You can make it personal and create your own playlist on Spotify. Rihanna- Consideration and Beyonce- Flawless always lifts my spirits and makes me feel confident.

  • Tune into Podcasts: Find a podcast that interests you, you might want learn from others experience or just have a laugh. It all depends on your mood. I love listening to The Receipts Podcast as it's empowering to me listening to three women being open about life and they're funny.

  • Beauty and skin care routine: Take care of your physical appearing can really uplift your mood. It's not about how good you look but how you feel on the inside. If you want to wear makeup at home then go ahead. Do what makes you happy but also take time to look after you skin to improve your health.

  • Don't compare: Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your self-improvement. There's no better feeling than knowing your worth and accepting your individuality. Don't try to be something you're not, you'll soon realise that you are perfect the way you are. It's a process but keep practicing self-care and you will get there.

  • Say no: Learn to say no to things that you have no interest in. Trust your intuition and don't let anyone pressure you.

  • Stay hydrated: Have glass of water at regular intervals throughout the day to give you energy and nourish your mind.

  • Exercise: Exercise regularly as it helps to manage anxiety and motivates you to do things in other aspects of your life. If you're not very active try to go for a walk or do a home workout at least 3 times a week.

You don't have to dedicate just one day for self-care, try to do one or two of these habits each day. Trust me you'll start to feel so much better in yourself no matter what you might be going through right now.

Sending all my love to you all!

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