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The Importance of Mental Health During Lockdown

2 months and 14 days... That's how long I've been at home but I'm taking every day as it comes. Some days I'm so happy, I'm being productive, talking to everyone and other days I just feel down because everything is at a standstill. Staying away from friends and family hasn't been easy for many of us and the social distancing measures can affect anyone's mental health. I feel like now is a crucial time for us to put ourselves first and take care of our mental health.

You see updates from your friends and social influencers about their life in lockdown, some might be redecorating their room, religiously working out or cooking new recipes. I think that's amazing in fact I love cooking but sometimes you might watch what others are doing and feel like you're not doing enough. If your feeling demotivated don't pressure yourself to do anything if you don't feel to. You're not on a deadline, there's nothing going on, do what you want at your own pace. As humans, society has conditioned us to feel like we need to be a part of something or we need to fit in, but now this pandemic has disrupted our way of life. Take this as an opportunity to just relax your mind and just let things be. Sometimes just waking up, having a shower and making breakfast is enough to start your day. Otherwise, if you want a lazy day of staying bed and watching films, whatever fits your mood just do it.

Learn self-forgiveness, be kinder to yourself. It's okay if you can't stick to your skincare routine, hell I probably do mine once a week now! You've probably set yourself a goal to work on your weight which I've set myself before lockdown even started, but please don't beat yourself up about it if you haven't been exercising as much as you should. A strict diet isn't necessary right now as there's so many other anxieties you may have relating to the pandemic that you're diet is bound to be inconsistent. No one is perfect and everyone is going through changes with there bodies right now. The lifestyle choices you make may not be right for you right now, so trust the process and in the right time you will achieve your goal.

A lot of us have had to put the pursuit of our careers on hold. If you're like me and you're stressed about your future try to see the pandemic as a blessing disguise. This won't last forever but it has given us time to think about who we are as individuals and what we want in life. It feels like there's a big setback and maybe you feel as if you will never make it up the career ladder. Whilst your at home spend your time doing something you love or if you feel like it find something new to do. It won't lead you directly to your career path but it will show employers your enthusiasm to grow as a person. So if you're feeling down about the future try not take things seriously right now, just focus on things you love. You can also use this time to boost your social media presence if it benefits your career path and reach out to organisations or professionals of your interest. Networking will help you reach the next step. However, don't get too caught up online and have some time to switch off and spend time with the people around you.

On the final note, just be proud of yourself for getting through another day. The most important thing is that you're safe and healthy. You're not alone and we are all going through it. If you don't feel like yourself don't be afraid to talk to someone, it could be anyone, but don't suffer in silence. I have listed some organisations below which might help:

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