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New Year, New Destination | 2018

Welcome back! I hope you all started the new year with a bang!

It's nice to be back home after a lovely Christmas break in Trinidad catching up with the family, but I can't say I've not been feeling the holiday blues. Who wouldn't miss waking up to the sunshine first thing in the morning? It just gives me a positive vibe to start my day, but minus the sunshine I've been trying new ways to motivate myself like going to the gym twice a week and planning my week in a diary. It really put things more into perspective when I write down what I want to achieve for the week. Best thing to do if you really can't be bothered to do that one task you keep putting off, is break it down into mini tasks, so then it doesn't seem like so much effort. It's really helped me to get through my assignments for uni as I am the number one procrastinator.

Other than that, I'm really excited to graduate from uni in the summer and hopefully pass my driving test by then. It's actually only hit me now that I'm an adult and I need to consider where I wanna be in life, so that's a bit daunting, but I'm going to take it one step at a time. I don't want to limit myself to one career path straight after my degree, I would rather keep my options open because I still have not figured out what to do as career. I suppose some of you might think that's bad, but honestly it's okay to be uncertain about your career in your early 20s as far as you're actively building yourself up within a career sector or sectors that interest you. At the end of the day, no one knows what's right for them straight away, and it may take some longer than others to realise that; especially if you're like me and you love everything about your subject area.

I've also really got into cooking in the past year so I will definitely be making healthier meals this year as I am determined to change my lifestyle and cut down on junk food. I am starting to appreciate home cooked food more than ever when I think about all the fat I digest from fast food. Of course I won't stop eating out altogether. If there's good food and good company then I can't say no to that.

So yeah, 2018 is gonna be a year with a lot of lessons to learn, but also time for me to focus on building up myself and putting myself out there. If you want something in life, you've got to take things as they come instead of second-guessing yourself and that's what I'm gonna do.

Well, I hope this was relatable and it may have helped you too.

What do you hope to achieve for 2018?

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