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Thought For The Week

Jealousy, it's a strange thing isn't it? We all get jealous at times but there's a limit.

Sometimes jealousy can turn into hatred and that's when it becomes unhealthy, especially when it is within friendship groups and family. When your around certain people all the time it can be inevitable to feel resentful if they possess or experience something that you desire or you feel insecure about. If you let it control the way you speak to a person, that person may start to distance themselves from you and they will start having negative thoughts about you. No one likes to be seen as a jealous person, so you have to learn to manage these emotions rather than expressing it through anger, otherwise you can end up damaging the relationship or your health.

Another way to deal with jealousy is to try to think about what you have in your life to be grateful for, most of the time we put ourselves down because we feel like we don't have the same advantage as others so you have to look past it. Try to think of what you like about yourself or what you have achieved, even the little things may make you realise your self-worth. Self-love is key to maintaining positive relationships, if you don't love yourself how are you going to love anyone else in the right way.

If it is really affecting your mind try talking to someone you trust or even a therapist. A lot of people don't realise how much of an impact it can have on your mental health and if you don't open up about your feelings or attempt to deal with it, it could cause anxiety and depression. That's why it's important to confide in someone before these emotions escalate into feelings of paranoia or loneliness.

Why is it so important? Good question. Nowadays we live in society that is competitive from how successful you are to how many likes or comments you get on social media. It can be as minor as that, but even small things can affect people's insecurities that's why it's better to spread love rather than hate.

We are so obsessed with moving forward whether that be in ourselves, our lifestyles, or our careers and we forget the great things we already have. We try so hard to be the best, yet there is no such thing as perfect, although someone may depict themselves to be or others may assume a person to be perfect. We all have our differences and it defines us as individuals, so if you feel like your not worthy enough or you don't have what someone else has just remember you're you and that's amazing enough.

Sorry if this sounds like a ramble, but I hope you get where I'm coming from.

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