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How to cope with loneliness

In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak there's a huge sense of panic amongst us and for those of us who are self-isolating it's natural to feel lonely. I've experienced feelings of loneliness myself but I cannot imagine how it must feel at a difficult time when your shut off from the outside world whilst your health is at risk.

When I feel lonely I always feel better reaching out to a family member or a close friend. Just talking to someone can really make a difference and thanks to Internet you can just FaceTime or Skype someone. You can be miles apart and still feel united.

Avoid social media if you can because it so easy to compare other people's lives online to your own but as I said in my last post not everything you see online reflects the true reality. Don't ever feel like you're missing out because everyone goes through life at a different pace. Another issue with social media is fake news don't take everything you read online seriously as this can increase your anxiety and doesn't do you any good if you're already feeling down. You're better off following trusted sources if you really need to be in the know. If you're self-isolating right now just focus on looking after yourself. Health comes first above all else.

However, social media can be helpful for a lot of us as there's so much positive content that could lift your mood and give you sense of hope. You will learn that there's so many others like yourself that feel alone and how they cope with it. Don't be afraid to reach out to people, you might find it easier confiding in people online than people you know in person.

Keep yourself busy but don't push yourself if you're poorly. Give yourself a to-do list. Start that YouTube channel, make a new Spotify playlist, binge watch your favourite Netflix shows or do a home workout. It may feel like the world around you has stopped but there's still so much you can do to support your mental health. What motivates you? What interests you? Nowadays, for the most of us our life is centred around work, use your time alone to find yourself and learn to love your own company.

On a final note, there's always light at the end of the tunnel and no matter what you can get through it. It's easier said then done but it's worth a try. Stay safe and keep your head up.

If you feel like you need to seek professional advice or you know someone else who does there are many charities and communities that can help. I have listed some useful links below:

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