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Social Distancing: Relationships

I wasn't too sure what to call this post as relationships is quite a complex topic to talk about especially at these challenging times. Many of us have been social distancing, well I hope most of you have and are all keeping safe! It has forced us to adjust our usual lifestyle but it's also a test for our relationships with each other whether that's your friends, your partner or family. For some social distancing may put a strain on your relationship and for others it might make them even stronger.

Change is never easy but by communicating with each other it makes a difference. If you're someone who is outgoing and loves to be around their friends it will be difficult for you to settle in to the new way of life. I would say to you talking to your friends through FaceTime, Skype or Houseparty is a great way to keep in touch. It's so important to check in with your friends even if they don't always call or text you it's good to show that you still care. We don't always no what others are going through and maybe they could be feeling the same way you do, so even just dropping a text could make their day.

Social distancing may take a toll on your relationship with your partner, especially if you live apart. It's hard being away from each other for so long as you're so used to be around them. The best way to maintain your relationship is by contacting each other regularly, unlike friendships there needs to be a balance as you both have to make the effort. As humans we all want to feel loved and needed but social distancing can hinder that. It's nice to know how each others days are going and when you're feeling stressed at least you know there's one person you can rely to relieve all your worries.

Another way to keep your relationship alive is plan things to look forward to in the future and make the most out of video calls! Who said you couldn't have a virtual date night? You can stream the same movies at the same time. It's also quite comforting when your both on a video call doing your own things, but don't forget to give each other space. Sometimes you need to enjoy time alone as each individual is their our own person at the end of the day and giving each other that healthy space will strengthen your relationship. This also relates to couples who live together- you don't want to end up resenting each other! Everyone has their own annoying habits, its all down to whether you can accept them.

On the other hand, the positive thing about social distancing is that we can learn to appreciate our friends and family even more. When we're living our normal lives its easy to overlook the little things that others do for us as we're so preoccupied with other things in life such as work or social life. Be grateful for the people in your life and make sure you show them that! Distance separates us physically but it can never break our bonds unless you let it.

Spreading love and positivity to you all! Have an amazing Easter weekend!

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